Rise and Shine


What a weekend I’ve had! My heart and soul feel like they are about to burst–I am weary, but so inspired. I’m grateful for the for all the sweet souls I met, and for those who bravely stood and shared their stories stories at the inaugural Brave Girl Symposium.

I am also incredibly grateful for the successful launch of my new line of paper goods amid this wellspring of positive energy.

My online store is now officially open!!!

I know it all sounds a little…hearts and rainbows, this description of my time at the Symposium. I know that being away from the world in a “love bubble” (as the event has been described) seems….naive. Maybe even apathetic.

I am a bleeding heart liberal and a persistent idealist. I cry at just about everything. I am enchanted by rainbows, I believe in the universe (and magic!), and that love can save the world. I show this soft, vulnerable side to very few. To most, I present a happy, toned down version of myself, for fear of being accused of being too unrealistic or too sensitive in a world where the pain can be both devastating and indiscriminate.

Some truly horrific things happened in our country this week. What the world needs right now from all us us, is as much love, forgiveness and understanding as we can muster.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
– Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Choosing to keep our hearts open, even after they have been crushed, is more difficult and courageous than the alternative. Choosing to love those who are different isn’t easy…those with different politics, a different gender, a different race, a different sexual orientation, a different financial place. Choose this path anyway, I implore you.

Rise and shine. The world needs your light (now more than ever).

And if you are looking for ways to encourage others to love more and to share their light with the world, check out my new line of paper goods, available now!

The Brave Girls Club is doing some pretty amazing work in this arena as well 🙂

They’re Almost Here!

This blog has been quiet for the past couple of months. Not for lack of activity on my end by any means, but with two littles (2 and 5 years old) filling up my house, how I spend my time has become very important. I need to work–it feeds my soul. But time spent with my kids is something I’ll never be able to get back. So….priorities.

I’m beyond thrilled (and equally jittery) to tell you what HAS been happening behind the scenes though.


These boxes arrived this week at my house.

In just a couple of weeks, I’m officially launching my own line of soulful paper goods (greeting cards, notecards, thank you notes, and prints). This is a long time dream and I’m really (really) excited to share everything with you.

My official launch will be at the Brave Girls Symposium (in Boise, ID), where I will be sharing a vendor table with the inspiring and amazingly talented Christine Mason Miller (pinch me, she’s one of my art heroes!!!).  Let me know if you’ll be there–I’d love to say hello 🙂 And if you don’t know what the Brave Girls Club is, check it out. They are making the world a better place, especially for women who “…want to live the best, happiest, most productive and fabulously brave life they can possibly live…”

I’ll be getting ready for that event this week (look at what my basement has turned into!). As you can see, I’m diving in head first, rather than dipping my pinkie toe in to test the waters. I’ll let you know how it all works out. Eek.


My shop will be officially open as soon as I return from Boise, the week of July 10th. Yahoo! Much more to come, including a giveaway or two on Instagram 🙂 So please follow along.

Can You (Finally) Give Yourself Permission?


I hope you had a wicked Halloween. I was so excited to see my pattern, Moonlight Jive, featured on the Make It in Design blog’s Spooky Showcase of Pattern last week.

Can you give yourself permission?

Whether you are a painter, a dancer, a writer–your spirit soars when you lose yourself in the creative flow. You are a maker.

And yet, for some reason, your creativity is relegated to the bottom of the heap.

You have your reasons (I don’t have the time, I don’t have the money)–and they may all be good ones.

Can you give yourself permission anyway?

Can you find the time (even if it’s only in ten minute increments) to draw, to write a sentence or two?

Can you decide today (finally!) that your creativity is a priority?

Don’t miss your calling because the floors needed to be cleaned and the laundry put away (there will ALWAYS be something).

We only get one shot at this. 

It’s time to listen to the whispers of your soul.

It was so much fun to finally share my news about Kindred Art Collective last week. Thank YOU so much for your support! If you missed the artist introductions, head on over to the Kindred blog. And if you’d like to get news straight to your inbox, please sign up for our monthly Kindred newsletter.

I Have a Big Announcement!


Fall has come to Colorado. Each gust of wind brings a flurry of leaves to the ground. I’m (reluctantly) reorganizing my closet, sending summer dresses to the back, moving my sweaters so they’re front and center.

I also just celebrated a birthday, which alongside the changing season, always incites introspection. I’ve been thinking a lot about the next 5-10 years of my life. About passion. The pursuit of a joy filled life. I’ve recently (in the past six months or so) taken up a regular meditation practice again (something that had fallen by the wayside with the demanding onset of motherhood).

We live in a crazy, fast paced world. As the mother of two young children, as an artist, as a wife, there is very little time for quiet.

That’s where the answer are though–the whispers of your soul.

In the stillness.

I’ve been getting up 15 minutes earlier than the rest of my household to steal a few private moments with my breath, my soul and my God.

This practice, this space, helps me step outside of the repetitive minutiae of everyday life. To reconnect with myself. To lean into my intuition and find trust in my inner voice.

Amid this stillness, I found the courage to make a big decision. I have something to share with you–and I can hardly wait!! Just a couple more days…

Getting Out of Your Own Way

Cuckoo Clock Fabric Swatch

I’m so excited to share that my pattern ‘Cuckoo’ will soon available for purchase at a retail outlet near you!! Details to come. 


Things have been quiet in this space lately. That hasn’t been the case in my studio by any means, but I’ve had some exciting things going on and have had to re-prioritize my studio/work time.

I  have missed meeting you all here though. I enjoy this process of sharing and recording my experience as I follow my heart.

My son is now almost a year and a half. My daughter turned four at the end of March. I’m working between 20 and 30 hours/week, and there is an ongoing conversation in my head, equal parts inspiration and guilt, about the time I spend away from my babies to chase my dream of being an artist.

When I stand back and I look at the big picture though, and I consider what I want them to believe is possible in this world, I’m proud to be doing what I love.

I have unbelievable amounts of respect for parents that stay home with their babies. It is, hands down, one of the most demanding (albeit rewarding) jobs there is. What I want my little ones to know though, is that it’s all a choice.

I want them to know that the universe is abundant. That almost anything is possible. That following a dream is not always the easiest path–but it is the one that will make them feel the most alive.

How they see and experience the world is a choice–and it’s all up to them.

What is it that’s holding you back from following your dreams? What small step could you take today, or even this week, to change course?

You only have one shot at this. Life. If you can get out of your own way, incredible things are possible.

Growing Pains

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Last week, we took the kids to Phoenix. My parents are retired and they spend their winters playing in the Arizona sun.

They have three citrus trees in their backyard. Much to the delight of my daughter, we filled boxes with fresh picked oranges, lemons and grapefruit.

The bizarre shapes of desert cactus are fascinating. I loved strolling through the neighborhood and taking it all in (all the while praying that my adventurous 3 year old wouldn’t impale herself as she raced from plant to plant).

We swam. We soaked up the sun.

We relaxed (something I can’t say happens too often with a toddler and a pre-schooler underfoot). Thank you mom and dad!!

I’m happy to be back though–when I’m away from work for too long, I feel this pull, this longing to dive back in. To create–to PLAY.

I also had a bit of time to think. To move my business forward, I need to re-prioritize how I’m spending my working hours.

Holding this space to write feels really good–I enjoy having a blog. I will continue to share new work and progress as it unfolds. But there will be weeks where I need to spend my time elsewhere.

To those of you who read on a regular basis, I am so grateful. Bear with me through these growing pains.


Unfettered Joy


January’s Bootcamp assignment was to create a journal with an Edwardian brooch theme. For more jewel themed eye candy, the public gallery is now live–check it out!


There are days, as I wash baby poop off my hands, or help my not-quite-four-year-old regain control after a body thrashing tantrum, when I long to be working more, parenting less. Enmeshed in day-to-day drudgery, I empty and load the dishwasher, again. I pick up their toys for the 10th time that day, and fold another load of laundry. I want to escape.

And then, ever-so-gently, I remind myself that I am on borrowed time.

I watch my one year old as he squeals with delight–he has discovered how to walk across the room pushing a stool. Noticing me, he rewards me with an ear-to-ear, heart melting grin.

Less than an hour later, my daughter does a spontaneous happy dance because I tell her she can wear her dress-up clothes to the grocery store.

How incredibly lucky am I to bear witness to such unfettered joy?

I hug them both, breathing them in and reminding myself how quickly they are changing. How little time, like this, we really have. I count my blessings. And my heart fills with gratitude, that in this moment, the work that I am doing is right here.

And it is the most important work of all.




What Do You Choose?

Described as retro art reminiscent of a mid-century modern world, I am so excited to announce that my abstract tea series is now available from Greenbox Art & Culture.


Abstract Wall Art piece by Kelly Angelovic


Garden Tea

This is my first licensed collection with GreenBox, and I am so excited to see where it will go.

What are YOU excited about today?

Our world is full of darkness. Fear. Anger. Stress. Pain. Heartache.

It’s also full of unbelievable beauty. Hope. Love. Joy. Light.

One of the first things I do in the morning is check-in with myself. I set my intention for the day–to see the beauty. The love. To find joy.

Pain is a part of the human experience–(seemingly) unavoidable. But sometimes, sometimes all it takes is a subtle shift, a willingness to see it differently–and everything changes.

How are you choosing today?

Are you looking for shadows or are you looking for the light?

All Who Wander Are Not Lost


I just finished this commissioned piece for a client, who plans to gift a framed print to her adventure-seeking, world-traveling, sister-in-law.

My client is the kind you dream about–we discussed the project and she gave me parameters.

Then she let me fly.

At one point in our conversations, she laid it out for me like this: “Final thought–have fun with this and make it your own. Then it will be perfect.”

Swoon. What a way to kick off the new year!

Bootcamp has started again as well.


Beginning this month, Lilla Rogers Assignment Bootcamp runs through June. The pace is relaxed–one assignment per month–and it pushes me out of my comfort zone. Last year, I was able to turn a few of my projects into licensing deals (still in the works–I hope to share details soon!). There is also the ever-positive, uber-talented group of participating artists–an entire international community of my people!!

This week, we are sketching Edwardian brooches. I’m not sure where we’re headed, but my guess is pattern design. Yahoo!