Rise and Shine


What a weekend I’ve had! My heart and soul feel like they are about to burst–I am weary, but so inspired. I’m grateful for the for all the sweet souls I met, and for those who bravely stood and shared their stories stories at the inaugural Brave Girl Symposium.

I am also incredibly grateful for the successful launch of my new line of paper goods amid this wellspring of positive energy.

My online store is now officially open!!!

I know it all sounds a little…hearts and rainbows, this description of my time at the Symposium. I know that being away from the world in a “love bubble” (as the event has been described) seems….naive. Maybe even apathetic.

I am a bleeding heart liberal and a persistent idealist. I cry at just about everything. I am enchanted by rainbows, I believe in the universe (and magic!), and that love can save the world. I show this soft, vulnerable side to very few. To most, I present a happy, toned down version of myself, for fear of being accused of being too unrealistic or too sensitive in a world where the pain can be both devastating and indiscriminate.

Some truly horrific things happened in our country this week. What the world needs right now from all us us, is as much love, forgiveness and understanding as we can muster.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
– Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Choosing to keep our hearts open, even after they have been crushed, is more difficult and courageous than the alternative. Choosing to love those who are different isn’t easy…those with different politics, a different gender, a different race, a different sexual orientation, a different financial place. Choose this path anyway, I implore you.

Rise and shine. The world needs your light (now more than ever).

And if you are looking for ways to encourage others to love more and to share their light with the world, check out my new line of paper goods, available now!

The Brave Girls Club is doing some pretty amazing work in this arena as well 🙂