Unfettered Joy


January’s Bootcamp assignment was to create a journal with an Edwardian brooch theme. For more jewel themed eye candy, the public gallery is now live–check it out!


There are days, as I wash baby poop off my hands, or help my not-quite-four-year-old regain control after a body thrashing tantrum, when I long to be working more, parenting less. Enmeshed in day-to-day drudgery, I empty and load the dishwasher, again. I pick up their toys for the 10th time that day, and fold another load of laundry. I want to escape.

And then, ever-so-gently, I remind myself that I am on borrowed time.

I watch my one year old as he squeals with delight–he has discovered how to walk across the room pushing a stool. Noticing me, he rewards me with an ear-to-ear, heart melting grin.

Less than an hour later, my daughter does a spontaneous happy dance because I tell her she can wear her dress-up clothes to the grocery store.

How incredibly lucky am I to bear witness to such unfettered joy?

I hug them both, breathing them in and reminding myself how quickly they are changing. How little time, like this, we really have. I count my blessings. And my heart fills with gratitude, that in this moment, the work that I am doing is right here.

And it is the most important work of all.




All Who Wander Are Not Lost


I just finished this commissioned piece for a client, who plans to gift a framed print to her adventure-seeking, world-traveling, sister-in-law.

My client is the kind you dream about–we discussed the project and she gave me parameters.

Then she let me fly.

At one point in our conversations, she laid it out for me like this: “Final thought–have fun with this and make it your own. Then it will be perfect.”

Swoon. What a way to kick off the new year!

Bootcamp has started again as well.


Beginning this month, Lilla Rogers Assignment Bootcamp runs through June. The pace is relaxed–one assignment per month–and it pushes me out of my comfort zone. Last year, I was able to turn a few of my projects into licensing deals (still in the works–I hope to share details soon!). There is also the ever-positive, uber-talented group of participating artists–an entire international community of my people!!

This week, we are sketching Edwardian brooches. I’m not sure where we’re headed, but my guess is pattern design. Yahoo!