Unfettered Joy


January’s Bootcamp assignment was to create a journal with an Edwardian brooch theme. For more jewel themed eye candy, the public gallery is now live–check it out!


There are days, as I wash baby poop off my hands, or help my not-quite-four-year-old regain control after a body thrashing tantrum, when I long to be working more, parenting less. Enmeshed in day-to-day drudgery, I empty and load the dishwasher, again. I pick up their toys for the 10th time that day, and fold another load of laundry. I want to escape.

And then, ever-so-gently, I remind myself that I am on borrowed time.

I watch my one year old as he squeals with delight–he has discovered how to walk across the room pushing a stool. Noticing me, he rewards me with an ear-to-ear, heart melting grin.

Less than an hour later, my daughter does a spontaneous happy dance because I tell her she can wear her dress-up clothes to the grocery store.

How incredibly lucky am I to bear witness to such unfettered joy?

I hug them both, breathing them in and reminding myself how quickly they are changing. How little time, like this, we really have. I count my blessings. And my heart fills with gratitude, that in this moment, the work that I am doing is right here.

And it is the most important work of all.




The Next Round


I am so grateful for this big, messy adventure that we all embark upon every day.

Last week, I got on a plane and flew to tropical paradise to spend the week with my  husband and a handful of my very favorite people. For eight days we played, leaving our two year old in the willing hands of generous family members back home in Colorado.

I still don’t know how to adequately thank the grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who showed my daughter such a good time while we were away.

It was a tremendous gift.

My husband and I are like passing ships these days–he works long hours and when he’s not working, I am. We talk childcare and logistics, but have little time to connect like we did before kids.

Spending a whole week together? We barely knew what to do with ourselves!


Kauai Leaves

Hawaii did not disappoint. It was a lovely (mostly) lazy week spent reconnecting with my husband, basking in the glow of some of our nearest and dearest, and soaking up the warm tropical lushness that is Kauai.

Don’t be fooled though–it wasn’t all play. I did spend a good chunk of time with my sketchpad and laptop working on my entry for Lilla Rogers’ Global Talent Search–do I still call it ‘work’ if I can’t sleep because I am so excited about what I am doing??

Deep breath…Submissions were due today!

The assignment was to design a tote bag with a naturalist Fall theme that might be sold at a farmer’s market. It was also recommended that we include people and some hand drawn type.

After many, many, many hours, a couple of panicky breakdowns, several internal pep talks, and the excavation of my heart and soul, the image above is what I came up with.

I still can’t believe that I am a semi-finalist in this competition.

Presented to a panel of esteemed judges (many of whom buy artwork for a living), the entries from all 50 semi-finalists will be showcased online from September 3-9. Five artists will move ahead into the final round.

And here is where I need all of you…a sixth ‘public choice’ artist will also move ahead. Dear readers, I would love your vote! Stay tuned for additional details..

No matter the outcome of this next round, I am over the moon that I made it this far. In so many ways, it has been an incredible experience. And I look forward to cheering on the talented six who make it through to the next round. Best of luck to all of my fellow semi-finalists!