What Do You Choose?

Described as retro art reminiscent of a mid-century modern world, I am so excited to announce that my abstract tea series is now available from Greenbox Art & Culture.


Abstract Wall Art piece by Kelly Angelovic


Garden Tea

This is my first licensed collection with GreenBox, and I am so excited to see where it will go.

What are YOU excited about today?

Our world is full of darkness. Fear. Anger. Stress. Pain. Heartache.

It’s also full of unbelievable beauty. Hope. Love. Joy. Light.

One of the first things I do in the morning is check-in with myself. I set my intention for the day–to see the beauty. The love. To find joy.

Pain is a part of the human experience–(seemingly) unavoidable. But sometimes, sometimes all it takes is a subtle shift, a willingness to see it differently–and everything changes.

How are you choosing today?

Are you looking for shadows or are you looking for the light?

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