What Do You Choose?

Described as retro art reminiscent of a mid-century modern world, I am so excited to announce that my abstract tea series is now available from Greenbox Art & Culture.


Abstract Wall Art piece by Kelly Angelovic


Garden Tea

This is my first licensed collection with GreenBox, and I am so excited to see where it will go.

What are YOU excited about today?

Our world is full of darkness. Fear. Anger. Stress. Pain. Heartache.

It’s also full of unbelievable beauty. Hope. Love. Joy. Light.

One of the first things I do in the morning is check-in with myself. I set my intention for the day–to see the beauty. The love. To find joy.

Pain is a part of the human experience–(seemingly) unavoidable. But sometimes, sometimes all it takes is a subtle shift, a willingness to see it differently–and everything changes.

How are you choosing today?

Are you looking for shadows or are you looking for the light?

Celebrating How Far We Have Come

FallTreesThis was the view from my yoga mat yesterday afternoon. Spectacular!

Last week I celebrated a birthday, which always incites a bit of reflection .

As of late, I have felt a little…adrift. I have a few (exciting) licensing deals in the works, but they are still months away from launch. I know where I want to go–I just don’t know exactly how to get there.

Back when I was in school for graphic design, I remember sitting in class, listening to advice from seasoned designers, and feeling in awe (and rather intimidated). They had already achieved that coveted title ‘Graphic Designer.’

Fast forward a year. I finished school and took on my first real projects with real clients. But…working as a graphic designer didn’t feel like I thought it would (like I had arrived).

Too often, when we finally hit the mark, we have already re-calibrated where we want to go.

There will always be something new to aspire to. It’s human nature to reset the bar.

So this week, I want to recognize how far I have come in the last three years. I have only been illustrating since my daughter was born.

In just a few years, so many exciting things have happened–commissioned jobs, licensing deals, my first art show, making the semi-finals in Lilla Rogers Global Talent Search, being featured in Uppercase’s Work/Life 3 illustration directory.

And my art has grown in leaps and bounds.

So instead of feeling discouraged about not quite being where I want to be with all of it, I am going to acknowledge and enjoy just how far I have come.


And don’t forget, 10% of anything you buy from my online store will be donated to Arts Street, a local non-profit program that creates opportunities for the young people of Colorado. Their mission is to “…cultivate low-income and under-served youth into a creative and culturally competent workforce. We use the power of the arts and arts professionals to nurture leadership and engage youth in learning.”


Still Waiting…


Purchased prints to be mailed out.

Last week, I posted about Lilla Rogers Global Talent Search. The first round of submissions were due this past Monday–wall art with a “Little Terrarium” theme. The talented top fifty will be announced on Tuesday (the 26th).

Lilla Rogers Global Talent Search

I feel like I submitted my entry AGES AGO (and am keeping it under wraps until the semi-finalists list is out).

I am nervous and so excited. Regardless of the outcome, this contest is so much fun to be a part of. If I make it through, the next assignment will be given on Tuesday as well.

Any guesses as to what it might be??

Based on the list of prizes, (this is a COMPLETE shot in the dark) my guess is a bolt fabric assignment based on typewriters.

In the meantime, I’m keeping myself busy with customer orders and a collection that I am building out for an exciting wall art deal that’s in the works. Details to come!

Best of luck to all the participants nervously chewing fingernails as they await the big semi-finalist announcement!!!


And don’t forget, for the month of August, 10% of what I sell will go to DAVA, a local organization that “… provides high-quality, after-school programming in the Aurora community and has become an anchor of free arts education for 900 urban kids (ages 3-17) annually. DAVA programs are designed to provide young people with the tools necessary to activate a new vision for community through the arts.”