Getting Out of Your Own Way

Cuckoo Clock Fabric Swatch

I’m so excited to share that my pattern ‘Cuckoo’ will soon available for purchase at a retail outlet near you!! Details to come. 


Things have been quiet in this space lately. That hasn’t been the case in my studio by any means, but I’ve had some exciting things going on and have had to re-prioritize my studio/work time.

I  have missed meeting you all here though. I enjoy this process of sharing and recording my experience as I follow my heart.

My son is now almost a year and a half. My daughter turned four at the end of March. I’m working between 20 and 30 hours/week, and there is an ongoing conversation in my head, equal parts inspiration and guilt, about the time I spend away from my babies to chase my dream of being an artist.

When I stand back and I look at the big picture though, and I consider what I want them to believe is possible in this world, I’m proud to be doing what I love.

I have unbelievable amounts of respect for parents that stay home with their babies. It is, hands down, one of the most demanding (albeit rewarding) jobs there is. What I want my little ones to know though, is that it’s all a choice.

I want them to know that the universe is abundant. That almost anything is possible. That following a dream is not always the easiest path–but it is the one that will make them feel the most alive.

How they see and experience the world is a choice–and it’s all up to them.

What is it that’s holding you back from following your dreams? What small step could you take today, or even this week, to change course?

You only have one shot at this. Life. If you can get out of your own way, incredible things are possible.



Squeezing in 15 minutes here and there, having a creative outlet (no matter how small) is keeping me sane and at least semi-balanced as we adapt to being a family of four. In my stolen moments, this is what I have been working on. Created as part of Lilla Roger’s Assignment Bootcamp (which is keeping me in the game for now), the assignment was to create a cell phone case for the gift market with a cuckoo clock theme.

Here are some of my initial sketches.

Cuckoo4 Cuckoo1 Cuckoo3 Cuckoo2

Then from pencil sketch to digital design, color, and layout.


To the final image.


Now back to loving on that beautiful new baby of ours.